Useful, handmade pottery.
Mundane pleasures. Joy in the ordinary.
Using handmade, well-made pottery has the power to make something special of the mundane. For me, these pots bring comfort and familiarity - and can even spark magic and joy.
I really enjoy making useful things. I try hard to make them a pleasure to use, to touch and to gaze upon. I hope you enjoy using and living with my pots even half as much as I enjoy making them. They are embued with joy, and I hope they bring you pleasure, too.
Thank you for making them yours.
Jeremy Kalin

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A new batch of pots is now available for sale.
Thank you for you support!
Pots from the “Cellar"
These discounted pots are usable and will bring pleasure to the right person - they just have minor glaze flaws, are ‘tests’ or are from previous making cycles.
A new batch of pots is now available in the “Cellar.” Enjoy!